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The Institute of Structural Health Management held a "model class" for political theory learning.
  Date:2023-03-30 View:

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, deeply understand and grasp the connotation of "Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality", and enhance the consciousness and initiative of realizing the goal of "Double Carbon", the Institute of Structural Health Management carried out a political theory learning "model class" in the conference room 414 on March 29th. "On March 29, the Institute of Structural Health Management held a political theory learning "model class" in Room 414, which was organized by Zhu Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute, and representatives of the Party branches of the teachers. Zhu Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, and representatives of the Party branches of all teachers observed the class.

Mr. Zhuo Lijun, secretary of the Party branch of the Institute, firstly led us to study the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, focusing on General Secretary Xi Jinping's thesis that "green transformation is a process that cannot be accomplished overnight, and it should be established first and then broken, but not broken before it is established", and the well-known representatives of the industry's thoughts and suggestions on "dual carbon". The seminar focused on Xi Jinping's statement that "green transformation is not a process that can be achieved overnight" and the reflections and suggestions of renowned industry representatives on "dual carbon".

Then, Zhuo Lijun led the study of the National Natural Science Foundation of China's "dual-carbon" basic research guidelines, combined with the characteristics of the College's disciplines and actual work, focusing on the "industrial restructuring" section on the low-carbon building system, green transportation system and low-carbon industrial intelligence three key areas and development directions to achieve the "dual-carbon" goal. He focused on the significance of the three key areas and development directions of low-carbon building system, green transportation system and low-carbon industrial intelligence in the section of "industrial structure restructuring" for realizing the goal of "dual-carbon". In view of the research directions and scientific issues mentioned in the Outline, teachers of the Institute shared their ideas on energy conservation and emission reduction and the realization of the dual-carbon goal in the fields of material structure optimization, artificial intelligence and big data, structural health monitoring, new energy research and development, micro- and nanoenergy, and carbon dioxide oil drive, etc., in the light of their own scientific research and strived to be the practitioner and promoter of green and low-carbon.

Finally, Mr. Zhu Yan, the secretary of the school, said that the demonstration class was very wonderful, which broadened the understanding of "dual-carbon" and more research fields and directions related to "dual-carbon", and he hoped that all the teachers would make their contribution to the realization of the national "dual-carbon" strategic goal and the construction of the school's discipline development. We hope that all the teachers will contribute to the realization of the national "dual-carbon" strategic goal and the construction of the college's discipline development.

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