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Young Teachers Academic Exchange Conference(Ⅱ)
  Date:2020-09-24 View:

On September 23, 2020, Institute of Structural Health Management held the second "Young Teachers Academic Exchange Conference" in room 414. The conference was hosted by Professor Zhu Jianguo, president of the Institute. All teachers of the Institute and some teachers from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics attended this event. Mr. Zhuo Lijun gave an academic report entitled "Inverse Problem of nonlinear heat transfer in Thermal parameter reconstruction", he introduced his research background and achievements, analyzed the shortcomings of his previous research and the scientific problems that need to be solved, and proposed his future work plans and research objectives. The present teachers listened carefully to the report. Professor Luo Ying first affirmed Mr. Zhuo 's research content. At the same time, he put forward suggestions on clarifying the main line of research, finding key problems and proposing solutions. Professor Zhu Jianguo, president of the Institute, proposed that the scientific research objectives should be clear and specific, the technical route of scientific research should be clear and intuitive. Other teachers also actively exchanged views and discussions, the atmosphere was lively.

The holding of the "Young Teachers Academic Exchange Conference" has created an atmosphere of mutual learning and cooperation within the Institute, which has laid a solid foundation for the scientific research of young teachers of the Institute.

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