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The Party Branch of the Research Institute of Structural Health Management organized a study on the theme of "research integrity"
  Date:2022-06-29 View:

In order to strengthen the construction of scientific research integrity in our research institute, improve the credit awareness of teachers, standardize academic behavior and create an honest and trustworthy scientific research environment, the research institute organized teachers to carefully study the relevant contents of the Administrative Measures for Scientific Research Integrity and Credit of Jiangsu University (Jiangdaxiao [2022] No. 141) issued by Jiangsu University. President Zhu Jianguo read the relevant content and pointed out the relevant risk points and preventive measures. Then he guided everyone to abide by academic norms, scrupulously abide by academic integrity, and created a clean and healthy innovation environment and academic atmosphere.

Finally, all teachers signed a letter of commitment on scientific research integrity and intellectual property rights, and a pre confirmation form for publishing papers.

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