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  发布日期:2020-01-10 阅读次数:


序号 成果类别 成果名称 作者 期刊 SCI分区 期刊影响因子
    1   论  文 Clustering of AE signals collected during torsional tests of 3D braiding composite shafts using PCA and FCM 郝文峰(通讯作者) Compos Part B: Eng   SCI1    6.864
    2   论  文 Study on the torsion behavior of 3-D braided composite shafts 郝文峰(第一作者,通讯作者) COMPOSITE STRUCTURES   SCI2    4.829
    3   论  文 Detection and monitoring of delamination in composite laminates using ultrasonic guided wave 郝文峰(通讯作者) COMPOSITE STRUCTURES   SCI2    4.829
    4   论  文 Failure analysis of 3D printed glass fiber/PA12 composite lattice structures using DIC 郝文峰(第一作者) COMPOSITE STRUCTURES   SCI2    4.829
    5   论  文 Acoustic emission monitoring of damage progression in 3D braiding composite shafts during torsional tests 郝文峰(第一作者,通讯作者) Compos. Struct.   S CI2    4.829
    6   论  文 HHT-based AE characteristics of 3D braiding composite shafts 郝文峰(通讯作者) Polymer Testing   SCI2    2.943
    7   论  文 Experimental study on the torsion behavior of a 3D 4-directionally braided composite shaft using DIC and AE 郝文峰(通讯作者) Polym Test   SCI2    2.943
   8   论  文 Time-reversal damage imaging in f-k domain method based on laser ultrasonic guide wave time-domain filtering in multi-band 骆英(第一作者,通讯作者) J Vib Shock    EI     0


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