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"Learn from model workers, strictly abide by party discipline, and move forward with courage and perseverance" ——The Institute of Structural Health Management and the Zhenjiang Branch of Jiangsu Special Inspection Institute jointly launched a themed party
  Date:2024-06-28 View:

  In order to deepen the study and education of party discipline and promote high-quality development through party joint construction, on June 27th, the Party branch of the Structural Health Management Research Institute and the Second Party Branch of the Zhenjiang Branch of the Jiangsu Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection Research Institute went to Yangzhong to carry out the theme party day activity of "learning model workers, strictly abiding by party discipline, and moving forward with courage". Professor Luo Ying, Director of the National International Joint Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Mr. Zhuo Lijun, Secretary of the Party branch of the Structural Health Management Research Institute, Ms. Xiong Weiqiong, Secretary of the Second Party branch of the Branch of the Zhenjiang Branch of the Jiangsu Special Inspection Institute, and other party members of both branches attended the event.

  All party members visited the exhibition hall of Guo Kesheng's deeds together, and learned three parts of historical materials and pictures, named as ‘vicissitudes of life’, ‘memory union’, and ‘model worker style’. As a former colleague, the public welfare ‘guardian’ of Guo Kesheng's deeds exhibition hall, and the commentator Sun Chuanwu who was once rated as a "good person in Yangzhong", shared Guo Kesheng's advanced deeds of selflessness, hard work, innovation, and dedication with all attenders, and elaborated on the development and changes of Lianhe Village from poverty to a moderately prosperous society.

  At the event, party members were deeply moved by the unwavering original aspiration and firm faith of the older generation of communists. They expressed that in their future work, they should take good cadres like Guo Kesheng as role models, practice their original aspiration and mission, build a solid ideological foundation, strengthen disciplinary awareness, and improve party spirit cultivation.

  Since the signing of the Party Co-construction Agreement in 2022, the Institute of Structural Health Management and the Zhenjiang Branch of Jiangsu Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection Research Institute have adhered to the principles of resource sharing, complementary advantages, and emphasis on practical results, continuously strengthening exchanges and cooperation. In the future, they will continue to rely on the joint construction platform, broaden our thinking, and focus on scientific research and development in areas such as non-destructive testing and health monitoring of special equipment, data signal processing algorithms, etc. They will bravely climb the technological peak with practical actions and serve the country's goal of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level technologies.

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