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The Institute of Structural Health Management held a trial lecture for young teachers
  Date:2022-05-27 View:

In recent years, the school has attached great importance to the teaching of young teachers' assistants. In order to ensure the quality of undergraduate teaching, improve the teaching ability of young teachers, and help new teachers adapt to the teaching work as soon as possible, the Institute held a trial teaching activity in Leisi Building 414 on May 27. The meeting was supported by Zhu Jianguo, President of the Institute.

Young teachers Li Jian, Li Wenlong and Wang Ruijie gave a trial lecture. After the lecture, President Zhu Jianguo commented on each teacher one by one. First of all, I fully affirmed the careful preparation of young teachers before the trial lecture, and pointed out that young teachers should pay attention to interaction with students during the lecture process, help students review, summarize and summarize the course content, and make clear and thorough about the key and difficult points, so as to deepen students' understanding of basic concepts. In addition, we should always ask senior teachers and backbone teachers for teaching experience and methods. At the end of the activity, President Zhu Jianguo said that he hoped that new teachers could make full use of different platforms, actively participate in teaching competitions and other activities, exercise their teaching ability, learn from experience, improve deficiencies, and continuously improve their teaching level.

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