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Daily Management Rules of the Graduate Studio of the Institute of Structural Health Management
  Date:2020-09-07 View:

The graduate studio is an important base for cultivating graduate students. In order to ensure that graduate students can conduct normal study and subject research in a good working environment and academic atmosphere, the following management regulations are formulated for the graduate studio:

Basic system

  1. Studio graduate students must obey the relevant regulations set by the manager and the college. Those who do not obey the manager have the right to refuse the use of relevant personnel. (Level A)

  2. Every Monday to Sunday are normal working days. The normal working hours of the studio are from 8:00 to 12:00 in the morning, 12:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon, and 6:00 to 10:00 in the evening. Graduate students must enter and exit the studio according to the opening hours. (Level B)

    3. Graduate students must keep quiet when entering the studio, and are not allowed to make calls, play games, watch movies, browse entertainment websites and other activities that are not related to the content of the study and work in the studio, so as not to interfere with others' study. (Level B)

    4. Cooking, spitting, littering, smoking, alcoholism, gambling, playing ball, burning confetti and other debris are prohibited in the workroom. (Level A)

    5. It is not allowed to connect wires, network cables, and telephone lines without permission, nor to modify or lock them without permission. (Level A)

    6. The studio should not place or place less personal daily necessities, pay attention to keeping the personal working area clean and hygienic at all times, and the public area is responsible for the staff on duty. (Level B)

    Security system

    Clearly inform the members of the graduate studio that in order to ensure personal and financial safety, surveillance will be installed in public areas, and please pay attention to your own behavior. The specific security system is as follows:

    1. The theft of national, collective and private property is not allowed; large amounts of cash cannot be stored in the workroom, and valuables should be properly kept; the studio key is not allowed to be borrowed, and people are never allowed to leave the studio without turning off the lights or locking the door. (Level A)

    2. Individuals are responsible for the security of their belongings, data, and data, and pay attention to the virus defense of personal computers; important data, documents, and data should be encrypted, stored and backed up by corresponding technical means. (Level B)

    3. Personnel who are not in this studio are not allowed to enter the studio without permission. If they need to enter, a special person must be fully responsible for their behavioral safety. (Grade A) 4. It is strictly forbidden to bring inflammable, explosive, toxic and hazardous materials, reactionary obscene books and periodicals, and obscene audio-visual products into the studio. (Level A)

    5. It is forbidden to move the equipment at will, install or disassemble the equipment at will, or change the equipment connection at will. (Level A)

    6. The power load of the studio is limited. The use of high-power electrical appliances (water heaters, rice cookers, electric stoves, "hot fast", electric frying pans, etc.) in the work room is prohibited regardless of the power level; others are not listed but recognized Unusable electrical appliances are not allowed to use. (Level A)

    7. Pay attention to fire safety, kerosene stoves, liquefied gas tanks and other appliances that may cause fires are not allowed to be used. (Level A)

    On duty system

    The studio management teacher arranges a duty schedule according to the situation of the studio staff, sticks it on the wall, and recycles it. The specific duty system is as follows:

    1. The postgraduate studio management teacher/teacher on duty adopts a combination of telephone duty and office duty; students on duty must be on duty in the studio and report to the duty teacher as soon as possible. (Level A)

    2. The management teacher and all the instructors who use the studio jointly implement the control and elimination requirements, schedule the duty schedule, confirm the use of students, and eliminate the materials in place, and then submit an application to the college. (Level A)

    3. Personnel on duty should pay attention to keeping the public areas of the studio clean and have the obligation to urge all members of the studio to keep their personal working areas tidy; other personnel should actively cooperate with the daily work of the personnel on duty. (Level B)

    4. The staff on duty shall be responsible for the property of the studio, pay attention to the waterproof, moisture-proof, fire-proof and anti-theft work of the studio, and close the doors and windows of the studio in time in case of rain. (Level B)

    5. If office equipment (lighting, fan, circuit, etc.) is found to be damaged or malfunctioning, the on-duty student should immediately report to the on-duty teacher in the studio for timely resolution. (Level B)

    6. The staff on duty can leave after all other staff have left the studio. When leaving, they should turn off all electrical appliances such as computers, switches, fluorescent lights, fans, air conditioners, and lock doors and windows. (Level B)

    7. If there is no special reason, the personnel on duty shall not leave their posts without authorization; if they need to leave for any reason, they shall actively coordinate with others to fulfill the duty of personnel on duty. (Level B)

    8. During the holidays, if any students need to continue to study and work in the studio, the day-to-day work shall be carried out as usual. The specific personnel on duty shall be coordinated and arranged by the studio director. (Level B)

    Prevention and control requirements during the epidemic

    During the epidemic prevention and control period, the management teacher will take the lead and strictly follow the management and disinfection requirements issued by the Graduate School and the Research and Industry Department. The specific implementation of on-duty personnel and epidemic prevention management are as follows:

  3. If a graduate student needs to enter the studio for scientific research, the instructor shall apply to the college, and the college may enter the studio after review and approval. And strictly do a good job in the registration and filing of the personnel entering and exiting the studio. (Level A)

  4. When a graduate student enters the studio, the studio manager will assign a seat and key, and register for the record, and manage it under a real-name system. For specific management methods, please refer to the provisions of the "Administrative Measures for the Graduate Studio of the School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics (Trial)". (Level A)

    3. Postgraduates are required to study in designated studios, and it is strictly forbidden to walk between studios. (Level B)

    4. Pay attention to the classification and disposal of used gloves, paper towels, masks and other wastes. Trash cans should not be used open, and trash cans with a lid should be used. (Level B)

    5. If a graduate student in the workroom develops symptoms such as fever or cough, he must immediately report to his supervisor and the in-charge of the college, and isolate himself from the studio staff and not walk around. (Level A)

    6. During the epidemic, the studio will be cleared from 11:30-1:30 noon and 5:30-7:00 pm, and the staff on duty in the studio will be completely eliminated by atomization and other methods as required, ventilated, and recorded in detail Disinfection situation. Disinfection should ensure that no dead ends and safety hazards are left. Especially do a good job in cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces of objects with high frequency of contact such as door handles, tables and chairs. At the same time, we must pay attention to the safe use and scientific preservation of disinfection products. (Level A)

    Regulations on handling violations

    The regulations are divided into “A-level” and “B-level” according to the severity of students’ violations. Graduate students who violate the “A-level” regulations will be directly disqualified from using the graduate studio; for graduate students who violate the “B-level” regulations, deductions will be imposed. Points system: 3 points are deducted for one violation, and 12 points will be deducted directly to cancel the qualification for using the postgraduate studio; typical violations of college and school management regulations will be reported to the Student Office for strict handling.Matters not covered shall refer to the relevant regulations of the school and college.

    The “Detailed Rules” are interpreted by the College Office.

    These "Detailed Rules" shall come into force on the date of promulgation.

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