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Welcome to 4th Jiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents
  Date:2018-03-23 View:

Welcome to 4thJiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents

Duration: June 4-6, 2018

I Introduction to the University and the Forum

Jiangsu University is a key comprehensive university focusing on engineering science founded in August 2001 by amalgamating the former Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang Medical College and Zhenjiang Teachers’ College with the approval of the Ministry of Education. It is a university jointly constructed by Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, holds the honorary title of National University with the Excellent Level of Undergraduate Teaching, and is ranked among the first 50 universities in China with typical experiences in the employment of graduates, the universities in China with typical experiences in innovation and entrepreneurship, and the first batch of universities with the quality authentication on international students in China. The predecessor of the former Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, namely Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Machinery, was ranked by the State Council of China in 1978 among the top 88 key universities in China and became one of the first institutions of higher learning in China granted with rights to confer a bachelor’s, a master’s and a doctor’s degree.

Jiangsu University offers 14 doctoral programs of the first-level disciplines and sets up 13 postdoctoral research stations; master programs covering 44 first-level disciplines, professional master programs comprising 12 categories, and ME programs in 26 research fields; it boasts 2 national key disciplines, 1 national key (candidate) discipline, 6 advantage disciplines of Jiangsu colleges and universities, and 9 Jiangsu key first-level disciplines under “the 13th Five-year Plan” (including 2 candidate disciplines). Engineering, material science, clinical medicine, chemistry and agricultural science are ranked in the top 1% of the global ESI discipline rankings, 4 of which are ranked among the 4‰ of all. It comes out 59thin the ESI comprehensive rankings. Jiangsu University enters Top 1000 in internationally reputed rankings such as THE, USNews, and ARWU, coming out 45th, 76thand 61stin these three rankings among universities of China’s mainland. It comes out 69thamong universities of China’s mainland in QS Rankings for Asian Universities. Last but not least, it comes out 39thon the 2018 Comprehensive China University Rankings.

Jiangsu University now boasts more than 2,400 full-time teachers (including nearly 500 full professors, 56% of whom are PhD holders and 25% of whom have had an experience of studying or working overseas). We have formed a personnel group comprising high-level talents such as academicians and experts and scholars sponsored by “Chang Jiang Scholars Program”, “The Recruitment Program of Global Experts (popularly known as “The Thousand Talents Program”)”, “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, and “Ten Thousand Talent Program”, respectively. Currently we have more than 36,000 students, comprising more than 23,000 full-time undergraduates, more than 12,000 graduates and nearly 1,800 foreign students.

The 4thJiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents is aimed at creating a platform for the excellent overseas talents to carry out academic exchanges via lectures, discussions and recruitment negotiations, to promote the cooperation of interdisciplinary research, to accelerate the University’s “Double First-class” initiative, and to recruit talents that will help attain the University’s objective of building a “high-level international research-oriented university with distinctive features”.

II Duration

June 4-6, 2018


June4: Register and accommodation

June 5: Lectures and academic exchanges

June 6: Recruitment negotiations and signing agreements of intent

III Requirements

An outstanding overseas PhD/postdoctoral research fellow (with priority to an applicant from Top 200 colleges & universities in the world), and a renowned assistant professor (or its equivalent) or above in an overseas college or university.

IV Application

An applicant shall fill in “Registration Form of 4thJiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents”, which will be submitted to a related school that will arrange for an interview assessment, and applicants to pass the assessment shall be submitted in a summary form to the Human Resources Office of Jiangsu University. An applicant to pass the final review of the University shall be given an official letter of invitation to the Forum.

Application procedures: An applicant files the application to a related school→The related school arranged for an interview assessment and submits the applicants to pass the assessment to the Human Resources Office→The University appoints a reviewing committee to decide on the final applicants→Sending a letter of invitation

Deadline for application:May 8, 2018 (first round) May 18, 2018 (second round)

V. Reimbursement and Priorities

1.Travel reimbursement: The University will provide the invited talents with the accommodation of the forum duration and reimbursement for their round-trip air tickets for an economy cabin. The maximum sum of reimbursement is: RMB14,000/person for talents from Europe, America and neighboring areas, RMB10,000/person for talents from Asian countries, and RMB5,000/person for talents from China’s Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan.

2. Prioritized recommendation for project application: All overseas scholars invited to the forum will be given priority in applying for talent projects such as “The Thousand Talents Program”, “Jiangsu Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents”, and “Jiangsu Distinguished Professors”.

In order to attain the strategic objective of “building a high-level international research-oriented university with distinctive features”, Jiangsu University enacts the project of “Jinshan Scholars”, formulating preferential polices and treatment as follows:

1. [Jinshan Scholars Type A]: A distinguished (chair) professor of “Chang Jiang Scholars Program” of the Ministry of Education, a recipient of the “National Outstanding Youth Fund”, or a chief scientist of the National Basic Research Program (the “973” Program) etc, who is under 50 years of age.

(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB1,100,000

(2) Housing: A house about 140 square meters and a family allowance of RMB600,000, or a housing subsidy of RMB1,200,000

(3) Research Funds: More than RMB5,000,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or more than RMB1,200,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences

2. [Jinshan Scholars Type B]: A talent of “The Thousand Talents Program (Innovators)”, or a (tenured) professor of a renowned overseas college or university; or a (tenured) associate professor or an equivalent under 50 years of age of a first-class overseas college or university.

(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB750,000-850,000

(2) Housing: A house about 130 square meters and a family allowance of RMB500,000, or a housing subsidy of RMB1,050,000

(3) Research Funds: More than RMB5,000,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or more than RMB1,200,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences

3. [Jinshan Distinguished Professors Type A]: A talent of “The Thousand Talents Program for the Recruitment of Young Professionals”, a recipient of the Youth Project of “Chang Jiang Scholars Program” of the Ministry of Education, a recipient of the “National Outstanding Young Scientists Fund”, or a top youth talent of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee etc; or a (tenured) associate professor or above or an equivalent under 45 years of age of a renowned overseas college or university.

(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB550,000-650,000

(2) Housing: A house about 120 square meters and a family allowance of RMB400,000, or a housing subsidy of RMB900,000

(3) Research Funds: More than RMB3,000,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or more than RMB800,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences

4. [Jinshan Distinguished Professors Type B]: A winner of the “Award for China’s 100 Doctoral Dissertations”, a talent of the “One Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences” etc; or an assistant professor or above or an equivalent about 40 years of age of a renowned overseas college or university.

(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB350,000-450,000

(2) Housing: A housing subsidy of RMB800,000

(3) Research Funds: More than RMB1,000,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or more than RMB400,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences

5. [Jinshan Youth Distinguished Professors]: A recipient of the “New Century Excellent Talent Support Program” of the Ministry of Education, or a winner of “Henry Fok Youth Teachers Fund” of the Ministry of Education etc; or a PhD of a renowned overseas college or university, or a talent who (has) worked for more than 3 years in an overseas postdoctoral research station; or a talent under 35 years of age who has achieved a landmark achievement in his or her own discipline.

(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB250,000-300,000

(2) Housing: A housing subsidy of RMB400,000

(3) Research Funds: More than RMB400,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or more than RMB150,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences

The University will help assign or find a job for the spouse of a talent sponsored by “Jinshan Scholar Program”, and arrange for his or her children to receive education at the kindergarten, the primary school and the middle school affiliated to Jiangsu University.

VII. Contact Info

Contacts of the University’s Human Resources Office: Long (Surname) & Cai (Surname)

Tel: 0086-511-88789658

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