On April 26, Prof. Yuh J.Chao, from University of South Carolina was invited to give a lecture on:“Fracture Type Transition under Quasi-Static Mixed Mode I/II, I/III, Fatigueand Dynamic Loading Conditions”.

The report firstly introduced several material fracture phenomena in quasi-staticload experiment from NASA, and starting from practical application Chao concluded the need todevelop the fracture mechanics theory. Then Chao reviewed the shortcomings of old fracture strength theory and Failure Analysis, pointed out that the fracturefailure analysis should always combined with materials science, that is to say different materials need to be treated separately. Afterwards Chao presenthis work of the new theory of fracture mechanic and fracture failure criteria developed from Mises failure theory, which successfully predict the failurebehavior of both plasticity and brittle materials. The report closely related to the technical application practice, emphasized on fundamental theory of mechanics, it benefited the audience alot and gave the students a better understanding of fundamental mechanic theory.